Tag Archive: YouTube

[LANGUAGE WARNING IN VIDEO] – Kevin Hart, Laugh at my pain. Watch and I will explain why.

When I am work I enjoy a random laugh with customers if it is not busy. As a customer was leaving I was randomly saying “alright alright”. The next customers who have seen this show as well said “alright alright alrighttttttt”. My response was “you gonna learn today”

Due to the nature of the common knowledge of this Kevin Hart’s show, it was a nice joint laugh with people I do not know. In my opinion random laughter as much as you can with strangers or not; is some of the best things in life.

This is my number 1 favorite video to watch on YouTube. There are different recordings of the same material at different shows. Kirk Nugent has excellent words we must all live by. Its not a matter of if you will think about what he is speaking. We all need to re-develop our lives to go after what is right. I choose not to live a life of regret and therefore will do my best for what I love.

When it comes to finding what you really like to do, its takes a lot of trial and effect. Some find what they love to do quickly while others spend a lifetime searching. I have also observed people going about the wrong passion they thought was the right one. Many situations can be given as example but when it comes down to it; a true passion is not a chore.

Anything that you love to do shouldn’t feel like a task. There are times when you try to do this said passion but you can be influenced by external factors. Some of these factors can be if you have tough job that makes you tired to work on that thing you love to do. In long term objectives, there are always ups and downs in the feelings about them.

I have been working hard at work because of some co-workers having to leave the country. This expended energy is taking away from my passion work of writing discovery. I confuse this expended energy as if writing is not for me and I run into writers block. What I fail to realize is that there is at least a handful of legitimate situations going on.

Many writers encounter the block more commonly than people think. One does not simply have ideas flowing all day everyday. Lots of it is imagination and inspirations base. If you are working hard in something else it can hinder that process. I thought writing was the wrong direction when that occurred.

I am glad that I remembered from the 10.000 hour rule is that it takes heavy constant flow of persistence to mastery. Anyone who has every done something great has experienced ups, downs, failures, and successes on their journey. If I am to fully confirm writing as a passion, I have to make sure that at all times this is never seen as a chore.

Passions are never a task to do. “Do what you love and you will never work a day”. I have always heard that quote but not sure of its origin. When I logged onto this site for the first time I never knew a couple items. There is an interactive community and wasn’t sure how people would come across my entries.

Most people who have created great success knew they were going to do something but didn’t know how nor how big it would become. Truth is I didn’t think this would be seen at all as I only intended it for myself and certain people to see. I am happy to interact with other bloggers on here. Unlike YouTube where you only know who watched it if they commented.

I look forward to long term writing in WordPress than I do videos for YouTube.


Uploaded on Feb 27, 2012

This is an old video of me when I was scruffy and bigger haha. 

I was bored and it didn’t seem to have danger like other not so smart challenges. I thought I would start YouTubing at the time but it didn’t work out. I shall pick up video making again sometime. Keep in mind I found out after the video I was suppose to eat it in less than 30 seconds but whatever I didn’t choke and spit up. Some intentionally did so for entertainment. The cinnamon didn’t affect me like other people.

Song in background is Jay z – I know. I do not own the rights to the song and I am not promoting or representing the artist nor the label. Video is under copyright warning and is only for documentation purposes. Song was not intentionally played during the capture of the challenge. It happened to be playing in my room I had purchased off iTunes. 

Photo time line

This one has a place now under about me. I feel its a nice way to combine lots of older pics into a single one. I do have a video camera but not one for regular photos. In the future I would love to have 3 avenues for this site. 1)text to expand verbally on topics that pop into my head 2)pictures to capture progress in life 3)video to capture moments in my life. I have always liked YouTube in forms of watching it instead of TV and making videos.

I am not looking to get big in any way I just desire to document so I can look how far I have come instead of whats left/things to come. I do have lots of joy putting things into this site so that I can live on through here. One may pass physically but if someone still remembers you, then you are still alive. Stay tuned in the future for more photos and videos to come.