Category: Life & Thoughts

Good question.

Life has interesting twists, turns, and adventures. Some of which have distracted me from here. I do have great joy in this blogging process. I am not exactly an entertainer type; this page is more of a public diary of my life. It is quite fun to be transparent with nothing to hide. I suggest this method to all but some have employers to hide from lol. I had once said that I’d rather get hired for who I am, and not for what I’m not. Simple concept but it also isn’t fair that employers will Google your name just to see what pops up.

Since April I have been working often and doing random things. I cannot pin point exactly where I been but I will try to dig deep. Guild wars during the summer was my addiction that took me away from Word Press. I had enjoyed coming on here daily at the time but Guild Wars was a longer hobby. In the game I was highly focused on getting certain achievements completed and farming for certain armor pieces. Now that I have most of what I want with a side of burned out; I am bored of the game.

Guild Wars will always have a place in my heart. Life is developing fast for me at the moment and well; my priorities and interests have changed. I finally had an awakening. I am tired of being overweight, lazy, and isolated. Guild Wars had kept me in the house for thousands of hours. The beach was always a place of healing for me. I didn’t have gas money and I did have a bike. Therefore I started to ride my bike to the beach. I will expand upon the bike rides in another post.

Sometimes, I have noticed attention issues of staying dedicated to tasks. I would always start something and have trouble finishing. In Guild Wars after I started a Guild of my own:  I really learned about staying committed and until the end of whatever it was. The bike rides/exercising is a commitment that I will continue no matter if I reach my goals or not. The primary motivational factors of the exercise was not just for looks.

There were some health issues that popped up along the way I had to take care of. My blood test shown that I need to eat better and be more active. In my closet I had plenty of clothes that I could wear but no where near yet use. I also read many articles that talked about how exercise can boost mental health. Anything that can make me feel better I am down to try.  Just not drugs haha.

I also departed from my job. As for that situation I do not wish to directly disclose the events that occurred there but what I can say is that I got sick of all the conditions present and left. Once I had quit, I slept better, felt better, and was better. That job was very toxic to my life. It was the primary cause of my caffeine addiction that took 2 months to get rid of. Monster and Red Bull was my beverage at the time. It was one of the many things that made me in a bad state of mind since I was last on here.

Lots of side tracking does occur time to time. Once I got into the grove of things, I then learned how to time management well. In the last Month or so; I did encounter an amazing woman who swept me off my feet to keep my busy 😛 She is the sweetest person who has entered my life like an angel. That is all really I can think of that has occurred since April. I got lazy, game addiction, work made me tired, and bad time management.

I have not returned and will stay committed to this hobby.

Fake it till you make it

I have learned this method from a variety of sources. Some books have explained and The Secret discusses a form of it for the Law of Attraction. When you look at the process involved, it makes sense and is easy to do. Just do XYZ as if you already have it achieved and watch it come your way. This is not the same as “the watched pot never boils”.

To better understand what I am talking about I will provide an example. I been having recent thoughts on becoming a writer. At the moment, the genre of writing that is best for me is undetermined. Lets say my confirmed genre was into fictional writing. I will make stories not matter if people are looking at them or not.

The exact difference of people who have mastered something and those who are trying; masters perform comfortably no matter if you check out their work or not. Those who starting try to hard and are affected too much by interaction. There is a reason why big singers stay big and why small singers stay small. Big ones have been the same since they were small.

When they were small they performed with a mindset as if they were big. Eventually that mindset provided them a path to success. You can actually hear the difference in singers who try to hard. Back to the example of writing; if I become fictional, I would write the stories as if I already had a best seller to an engaged audience.

Remember I created with blog site without knowing there was a interactive community that checks out each other’s content. I may not have that great writing skills, have issues with making shorter posts that will attract more readers, nor do I stick to a certain set of content. Irregardless I write no matter if I am being watched or not, and that right there is the distinct difference.

Fake it till you make it…Dance to a group of friends as if you were on a stage. Sing a song to a loved one as if you were on a grand tour. Paint as if that painting is expected to be hung in the national gallery. Write as if your content produces best sellers. Law of Attraction is accelerated when you perform just like that. The Arts isn’t the only area this can be applied to.

Lets say my goal was to become a manager at a current job. I would treat each day as at the job as if I was already the manager. My presentation and practices would then make me a successful one because the mindset is already there. There is a difference of dumping a position onto someone and promoting someone who already possesses the mentality of management.

It really is that easy. Just try your best at what you do, as if mastery is already achieved. It makes a mold for success without you knowing it. I have encountered some bloggers on here that have this process on “lock”. is a great example. She knows where she would like to be and is currently making content similar to desired destination.

“AnotherCityUrbanite” may not know it but is making a mold for success. When you do exactly what you would like to do now, the goal career will come to you easier. You will then attract in resources and people that are that destination you desire. It will become almost mind blowing of how the Law of Attraction will participate when you put in “Fake it till you make it”

This simple statement the post is about isn’t to be viewed as a bad thing when I say fake it. It’s simply doing that XYZ no matter the current conditions. Irregardless of there is zero feedback or 1 million fans. Do you best at all times since the start and by the time you finish; everything takes care of itself.

This is my number 1 favorite video to watch on YouTube. There are different recordings of the same material at different shows. Kirk Nugent has excellent words we must all live by. Its not a matter of if you will think about what he is speaking. We all need to re-develop our lives to go after what is right. I choose not to live a life of regret and therefore will do my best for what I love.

When it comes to finding what you really like to do, its takes a lot of trial and effect. Some find what they love to do quickly while others spend a lifetime searching. I have also observed people going about the wrong passion they thought was the right one. Many situations can be given as example but when it comes down to it; a true passion is not a chore.

Anything that you love to do shouldn’t feel like a task. There are times when you try to do this said passion but you can be influenced by external factors. Some of these factors can be if you have tough job that makes you tired to work on that thing you love to do. In long term objectives, there are always ups and downs in the feelings about them.

I have been working hard at work because of some co-workers having to leave the country. This expended energy is taking away from my passion work of writing discovery. I confuse this expended energy as if writing is not for me and I run into writers block. What I fail to realize is that there is at least a handful of legitimate situations going on.

Many writers encounter the block more commonly than people think. One does not simply have ideas flowing all day everyday. Lots of it is imagination and inspirations base. If you are working hard in something else it can hinder that process. I thought writing was the wrong direction when that occurred.

I am glad that I remembered from the 10.000 hour rule is that it takes heavy constant flow of persistence to mastery. Anyone who has every done something great has experienced ups, downs, failures, and successes on their journey. If I am to fully confirm writing as a passion, I have to make sure that at all times this is never seen as a chore.

Passions are never a task to do. “Do what you love and you will never work a day”. I have always heard that quote but not sure of its origin. When I logged onto this site for the first time I never knew a couple items. There is an interactive community and wasn’t sure how people would come across my entries.

Most people who have created great success knew they were going to do something but didn’t know how nor how big it would become. Truth is I didn’t think this would be seen at all as I only intended it for myself and certain people to see. I am happy to interact with other bloggers on here. Unlike YouTube where you only know who watched it if they commented.

I look forward to long term writing in WordPress than I do videos for YouTube.


blank canvas

I have come to find after lots of experiences and teachings that I create most aspects of my life. Some like to believe that there is a defined purpose for us that we have to seek. Others think that whatever pops up first is the right thing to do. There are many that end up in situations they dislike because the law of Attraction is no biased to likes/dislikes.

There are many ways to come about learning the law of attraction. The Secret, dvd best sums up the general teachings to understand how it works. There are many motivational speakers that provide their own spin on how they understand it. It is basically whatever you think about, you bring about. Whether you think you can, or can’t; either way you are right.

When I look back at things I have done in life I began to notice that I attracted in all the said items. I am fully responsible to an extent for the recycling of the deep depression minus influences of MDD and GID at the time. It also blew my mind that I had directly used the process to obtain certain goals and not even know it.

In Air Force JROTC, all I wanted to do was become a top cadet. It was my main focus that was aided by a catalog. Everyday I had looked at the ranks and visualized what it would be like to wear them. It became a habitual practice of looking at the catalog and choosing what I wanted on the uniform. Sure enough after 3 years I became the top performing cadet and obtained everything I wanted.

It has been a while since I used the Law of Attraction as deep since high school. I know how it works but my mind was somewhere else during the healing therapy phase. I am fascinated on how life is our own blank canvas. Just like the JROTC and picking things I wanted from a catalog; life is the SAME thing. It becomes what I personally make of it.

If I so choose to live on the street, that will occur. If I choose to become successful, that will occur. Where ever the mind is at is where and what will happen. I have to re-invent my creative and attraction thinking to my advantage right now. Life is very short and I need to craft the rest to be the best of my experiences. With that in mind, I will visualize in text an ideal lifestyle I wish to attract.

My lifestyle after college is currently visualized to be a successful writer. I don’t know how my writings will be recognized during that time because it is the domain of the universe to know. My writings might be seen across a broad area of print like newspapers, magazines, news sites. I will go to other countries and write stories back home would like to hear about.

It some how popped into mind I wrote some books that led into great movies. The movie(s) that corresponded to these books were very much insightful with a deep plot that is much needed. These handful of books that led into movies then generated income that wasn’t small or extreme. It was just what I needed that helped me move into my dream housing, a nice car, and a strong savings base.

The dream housing is in a condo with sections that is all glass high above a city. The downtown is right at my doorstep at the bottom floor that has the energy of the night and the pizzazz in the day. It would have a nice balcony I can either soak in some sun or to ponder new ideas to write about. Going around this same downtown would help inspire me ideas on a daily basis for creativity.

I will find joy that I can comfortably work on smaller writing projects because the largest one enabled it so. Again the how is the domains of the universe. As a Libra, I am a social creature. I do enjoy my downtime alone but I cannot live life alone. My caring, loving partner I would do anything for resides with me. We make efforts to maintain the relations fresh on a daily basis.

Me and my partner go on adventures together. We will pick streets and just drive to see where it goes. To see what is around. Will shall spin a globe, land a finger on a random place and just go. When  adventuring becomes too much, its back to quality time back at the condo. We will have an “”open door” like mentality to make any social gatherings with neighbors and people we care about.

Getting married and writing resulted in everything I ever wanted. To love and be loved as well as a downtown habitat. I am not after big flashy things. Just a specific housing, successful writing projects, and a soul mate. It is my blank canvas and that’s what I will fill it with.

Now the question is, what will you do with your blank canvas?

As a new writer in a general aspect, this is by far the best advice to start with. When you read a lot from established writers it helps in your own writing. Learning how to write is one thing but also learning from the masters in the industry is another. It would be contradictory to say you have no time to read but only time to write. Mr. King said it also in his form in the video above.

On that note I do make an honest effort to read many postings here on WordPress. I need to observe more on writing styles as i am developing my own. Learning isn’t short term. Learning is a lifetime process that doesn’t stop. Well that is what it is to me and therefore I will keep seeking more lessons while I work towards/after my goals.

Stood up


Being stood up as a general term of items. Listed but not limited to: bring promised something but no delivery, ready and being told a time but person arriving hours later, being told of a call back to hang out on your day off of boredom but no call back all day, arrive at a place a friend planned to meet you but friend says they are tired and cancel 30mins after meeting time. The list can keep going but the point is there. When people fail, they don’t care and you suffer.

Its happened a lot in my experiences. Not sure how to avoid being stood up because everyone does it to someone. Maybe I have don’t it to someone and not know it. Point is when I need to rely upon people, sometimes it never goes to plan. I nor anyone likes to suffer but still there are careless people out there that do not care. This has even happened in my medical solutions.

There was a doctor who made me wait 40mins because they office couldn’t figure out the billing. We cleared it up and he pops by and says want to reschedule without even doing any sessions. If you prescribe medicine; DON’T PLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT. It was highly unprofessional and I do not plan on staying with an office that cannot get their billing straight.

It would be nice if I can build a certain network of people and resources that will always deliver as a 2-way relations. I might have high rigid expectations but the examples above are just too much for me to take in. I guess we don’t live in a perfect world and to just be prepared if I am stood up over and over again. I never been stood up by a date and that’s the original term origin. Then again i been single forever and I am forever alone…

copyright noob

I am so out of the loop when it comes to copyright knowledge, editing, and original content. I have not received any notices on my small blog but I better be proactive and enlightened on the right practices to begin with. I am sorry that I didn’t realize how not so smart it was to copy, save, post any random pic that would enhance my posts. I am a newbie to this electronic writing interface.

I did come across people talking about certain domains for royalty/free use after rights purchase picture sites. I don’t have money for that at the moment. I also am out of a camera to take pictures. I Don’t even know where to begin on finding the legit sources about copyright and ownership regulations. My solution is that I will replace all content used with my own original creations. You will get to giggle at my superb art skills.

A successful page needs to do the right legal things from the start. I shall do so like Captain Picard and “make it so”.

Uploaded on Feb 27, 2012

This is an old video of me when I was scruffy and bigger haha. 

I was bored and it didn’t seem to have danger like other not so smart challenges. I thought I would start YouTubing at the time but it didn’t work out. I shall pick up video making again sometime. Keep in mind I found out after the video I was suppose to eat it in less than 30 seconds but whatever I didn’t choke and spit up. Some intentionally did so for entertainment. The cinnamon didn’t affect me like other people.

Song in background is Jay z – I know. I do not own the rights to the song and I am not promoting or representing the artist nor the label. Video is under copyright warning and is only for documentation purposes. Song was not intentionally played during the capture of the challenge. It happened to be playing in my room I had purchased off iTunes.