Tag Archive: Education

Officially back in college :D

As of September, I finally got back into college. Earlier this year I had said that the primary hurdle was unlocking the transcript from financial obligations. Turns out that the withdrawn classes had prevented me admissions into University of Central Florida and from obtaining Financial Aid. It was another pickle in the jar I had to figure out. The red flags on the PantherWeb didn’t show up till last minute.

I had to appeal with letters why I left the classes when I did. My reasons were under medical issues out of my control. Therefore I had to get my doctors to write letters in hopes the Financial Aid appeal board out hear my case. 2 weeks later I received a letter that it was approved from a trial semester right before the express term. I was overjoyed that it was approved right in time to make it into some classes. Waiting until January wasn’t a good option so we went ahead with express term 3 (September-December).

Financial Aid said that they were in an audit phase so I would have to pay upfront then get reimbursed. It was around 700 for classes and 80 for books via Chegg. My Mother sponsored my term which she will get reimbursed this October. I am thankful for her support in my educational pursuits. The 2 classes enrolled are: Introductory Sociology and Speech. Both are very fun and interesting classes I look forward to sharing more about in the future.

As per University of Central Florida; I really wanted to go, but it is these classes I withdrawn from to repeat. I will have them completed by end of Spring 2014. After that, I will then be able to apply for any Universities depending on retest of SAT/ACT scores. Until then, I will study well, read all, and do my best .

Many people my age are starting to catch this…disease mindset. Its temporary in duration until the individual figures out an interest. I always hear that “if you do what you love, you will never work a day”. Well ok I get that but I am having trouble to identify what I want to do. Sometimes I think I am looking to deep about selecting something. At the same time, choices seem very limited.

Currently I live in the country where there is a set system and a set of XYZ occupations. One has to choose one in order to survive or attempt to live on the streets. One simply does not sit around and make money without doing anything as much as we would like. To me when you are limited to X amount of occupations out there that require heavy training and a degree; it limits talent abilities of some people.

I met many people with large passions or talents but then result to something they semi-like and wither away in that end result occupation. In example I once know someone that was very musically talented but afraid to pursue that passion. They shelved that talent like a book and forced them self to go after what was to them “real work”. That isn’t exactly wasted talent, its just not a wise decision to have shelved that talent.

Yes its always smart to have a back up plan to fall on just in case a passion doesn’t work. At the same time I will never forget what Kirk Nugent says in his inspirational talks “to pursue your passion”. He is 110% right that the richest place in the world is grave sites. There lies not only bodies, but also books that were never written, songs never sung, dancing never done, kisses/hugs never given to who they wished them for, etc etc the list can go on.

Life is too short and we are not getting younger. PURSUE YOUR PASSION…just that I have not found what mine is yet. I try to inspire all I know to do what they love instead of ‘just working”. I been following up with many I used to know and only a handful of them 5 years post graduation are going after something they want. Then again its their life and they can do as they please. I have no room to judge their choices.

On the other hand we are sometimes inflated that we are suppose to do something great. Which is great and all but if we all became doctors, who is going to be nurses and CNA’s? If we all go after business management, who is going to be the regular workers? That’s something important to ponder that we all have a place in the system that is long as we let it to be.

So to sum it up i have no idea what to do. If i could live on the mountain and become a monk I would. That isn’t possible so I have to force myself and dig deep for a passion. Some older friends I met have gotten into drugs and are going from job to job. Others have a hard time of even thinking of real occupations and remain in little jobs. This is more common than you think.

I hope I get my stuff together soon as well as the many others like myself soon because time passes by no matter if we do  something or not. Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you are right. I wish I remember who said that. That will help to get out of this disease mindset.

Transcript Unlocked

Well for a long time I had to pay an obligation to PBSC of 1535.85 that put my educational plans on hold. What had happened was i left my classes because I wasn’t doing to well and that created an obligation to pay the campus that money because it was after the withdraw deadline. I don’t agree with the way the debt was created but its all taken care of now.

It was nice to pay it off finally but now I am being told I cannot activate a loan fast enough for summer term nor did I have this summer covered via FAFSA. Apparently if I applied for the 2013-2014 FAFSA year it covers next years summer and not this one. I am not sure how this will work out to continue back to school for the summer term I intended. This does not stop my school plans but surely makes a issue to work around.

One thing I never understand that no entity fully has all the info I need to know so I can plan accordingly. FAFSA should have stated which summer was included. The college should have dates on when its too late to do loan requests. That list goes on. I don’t know if this is for all aspects of college/university stuff but there is always a lack of stating the important information needed. It really grinds my gears to be back and forth to get this school thing going.

Good news is that my transcript is unlocked from this school but bad news is that the classes I attempted now negatively affect my GPA. I used to have maybe a 3.5 I think that has now become a 2.75. My plan was to do some classes during said summer to boost the GPA to the highest it can be for UCF transfer acceptance. Bad enough that last time I ever did the SAT and ACT I only did average if anything. Well new plan is to just study and take practice tests as well as doing the loan request for summer term. Like Captain Picard I will make it so.

Back to school

Time to get back to school with a plan that will lead into a career and no longer working  jobs. So far my FAFSA is completed and would like to attend UCF later when I can. What has popped up is that I need to take the ACT and SAT for university entrance. To re-attend PBSC I do not have to take college entrance exams again. I will complete the tests this April to see where I am at since I last took the tests. After those scores come out I will then be able to identify where needs improvement for the best scores possible. I am happy that I can finally qualify for financial aid as graduating with a large debt isn’t the best thing I had in mind. If graduate level plans come into mind then that is ok. Educational loans are investments into self so its not all that evil 😛